Sunday, April 6, 2008

Pregnant........April Fools

I did the best APRIL FOOLS joke on Nate. I don't get into that much, but my friend JOCELYN HARRIS (how funny is that, that one of my good friends that I meet here in Ohio has the same name as my daughter. Anyways that is a story for another day). Called me on April fools day crying and asked me to run over to her house and get 2 of her kids, because the oldest one fell off the monkey bars and is bleeding really bad and she needs to take her to the ER. So I told her I would be right there. I got off the phone with her and stared telling the kids to hurry up, but as always they were not moving fast enough. So I stared yelling at them to hurry because Sequoia is hurt and we need to go help Jocelyn. So to make a long story short. I had Braden in one arm and Cooper in the other and Joslynn starting to cry because she was scared. Then the phone rang. I grabbed it as I was running out the door and it was Jocelynn on the phone laughing. I could not believe that I fell for that one. So of course I had to pay it forward. My Friend Kristi came over and she did me the kind favor of peeing on the stick for me, and yes she if pregnant. Nate called on his way home and was wanting to know what was wrong, why I sounded so somber. So I told him I would talk when he gets home. Nate then asked is everything okay you sound like some one died. When he walked in the door I showed him the pregnancy test, and he about died. He asked how in the @#$% did that happen, and what in the @#$% are we going to do. After a few more choice words I could not keep a straight face any more. Nate could not believe that he fell for it. I loved it. That was my best trick ever. I was so proud of my work. I could not have pulled it off with out the help of my good friend Kristi. I wish would have got a picture of his face.


Mike and Erin Hale said...

That's awesome shannon! I can't believe your friend did that. That would have scred me to death. I love that you did that to Nate though!! Classic. Oh yeah, and nice try adding my name at the very top. You're hilarious.

Laura said...

SHANNON!! I found your blog on Lindsey's cute! I haven't talked to you in ages. the kids are cute as alway. And ps, that is hands down the funniest april fools ever! I could never do that to my husband. He'd be so disappointed when I told him it wasn't true. :)

Laura Farley

Kandice said...

I love it! I have thought about doing that, but I don't think Paul would fall for it.